This evening I met with the Minister of Building and Housing, Hon Dr Nick Smith and MP Hon Nikki Kaye, along with colleagues from MBIE who have been involved in the review.  Tonight they released the discussion document and spoke to the proposed changes and the path forward.

The UTA is being reviewed to ensure that the law regulating unit titles is functioning well and fit for a growing market. I am delighted to report they have taken on many of the suggestions from our report and have included the promotion of SCA(NZ) which I founded earlier this year and am National President of.

The consultation process is targeted at proposed reforms that relate to:

  • Improving the disclosure regime;
  • Strengthening body corporate governance provisions;
  • Promoting professionalism in body corporate management;
  • Ensuring adequate long term maintenance plans and funding; and
  • Accessibility of dispute resolution processes.

There is also discussion on a proposal to introduce unit title complex size thresholds which would trigger different levels of legislative requirements.

You can read the full discussion document on proposed changes to the UTA on MBIE’s website. Just follow this link:

They have advised that there will be workshops in February 2017, with submissions due 3rd March 2017.  I will keep you updated accordingly! Happy reading & Merry Christmas all.